Halloween food ideas for your spooky table!

Food and sweets we have for Halloween are always the sweetest! At the end of October, many people cannot wait for the spooky day, Halloween. If you think that only candies that you get from ‘trick or treat’ are Halloween food, that’s not all. There are two of the best items recommended for 2020 Halloween: Pumpkin bread and caramel apples.

If you first think of pumpkin pies, there is also pumpkin bread, which is the food that you can only eat during Halloween, while pumpkin pies can be consumed during Thanksgiving  as well. Obviously, this quickly made bread with no yeast became well-known as an easy recipe. Many people simply throw in some canned pumpkin or other pantry foods of their liking in it. They additionally put some pumpkin seeds as toppings as the finishing touch, and it’s ready to serve. This could be another hot item for breakfast or dessert while enjoying your Halloween. 

Second, caramel apples are also one of the most delicious treats that goes well with  Halloween. Having candy coatings with the melted chocolate around the apple is a creative idea, especially for people who never tried them. It’s so amazing that people can also add all kinds of toppings they want for better flavor and texture! How about trying these buttery and sweetest treats for this Halloween?

 Whether you favor these snacks, it is nice to enjoy celebrating Halloween with these on your spooky tables! Let’s overcome COVID-19 by trying different kinds of  delicious recipes for Halloween!

by. Min Suh Kang