What will be the costume of 2020?

The most distinct characteristic about Halloween compared to other holidays would definitely be costumes. Each year, people celebrate Halloween by dressing with costumes. Indeed, there are so many types of costumes, but there is always the most popular costume every year. Interestingly, the most popular costumes for each year actually depends on the most popular movies for that year. For example, last year, the most popular costume among men was the movie character ‘Joker’, which was a big hit as a movie. For girls, as “Frozen 2” attracted a huge number of audience, the ‘Elsa’ costume was very popular. Moreover, ‘Freddie Mercury’ from the movie “Bohemian Rhapsody”, ‘Genie’ from “Aladdin”, and Harley Quinn from “Suicide Squad”  have been most popular  right after when the movie was released. However, the costumes of 2020 seem difficult to predict. The main reason for this is because of the Covid-19. Due to the pandemic, not many people went to the theater, so there weren’t any big hit movies  in Korea this year. While the most viewed movies each year normally had at least ten million views, this year’s highest number of views dropped dramatically to only around 4 million. Also, people can’t go out on streets  with all the costumes because of the social distancing. So, due to the poor results of this year’s movie industry and the spread of Covid-19, it is hard to predict which costume people will wear the most.

by. Ah-yoon Chung