The Moral Concept of Ripeness

Fall is universally associated with the natural process of ripening; hence it is often expressed as a period of change. The season may manifest in various forms– perhaps the most notably when crops grow appreciably soft and flavorful. Many also tend to celebrate such organic beauties by feasting on autumnal goods. 

However, fall is not a season of mere aesthetic experience, for ripening can also be a hurtful process. Consider this: the metaphorical significance of ripening suggests that it is a method of maturing– of reaching an improved state of existence. Although this certainly sounds like a fruitful thing, one must be careful to not overlook the fact that the process of changing and developing takes profound effort and struggle. Perhaps an image of a ripe banana might well-elucidate this concept. 

Bananas, when in the course of ripening, they bruise. Yet, the bananas with the most brown spots tend to yield the sweetest and richest flavors. Although the bruises do not actually insinuate that bananas sense pain, it is the idea that bananas compromise their purely yellow identity by exuding scar-like spots in order to become better. That is to say, it is this underlying idea that people should be mindful of– that discomfort assists the process of healthful change.

by. Tae Han