Hate against Asian women: is it a coincidence? Scholars-Weekly·May 3, 2021Last month on a Tuesday, a white man shot eight people in Atlanta, Georgia. Six of the victims...World News·1 min read·0
The Shape Town Scholars-Weekly·May 3, 2021Circle moves into a new village with excitement. Circle is dreaming of all the good things that would...Literature·2 min read·0
Children’s Picks: Movies or Books Scholars-Weekly·May 3, 2021I chose Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as my movie based on a famous children’s novella because I...Literature·1 min read·0
Books that would bring you back to 2010s Scholars-Weekly·May 3, 2021All of us had that specific childhood, where we would love to read books. There were all different...Literature·1 min read·0
Components of Children’s Book Scholars-Weekly·May 3, 2021Books take up an important portion on children’s cognitive development. This is why the public and critics get...Literature·1 min read·0
Do You Want to Know More About Figure Skating? Scholars-Weekly·May 3, 2021 If people asked to name one of the winter sports, most people would likely think of figure skating....Sports and Fashion·1 min read·1
Overheated Sneaker Resell Market Scholars-Weekly·May 3, 2021These days, people are even more interested in sneakers than ever before. Countless companies and designers are collaborating...Sports and Fashion·1 min read·0
Exercising and Relaxing Scholars-Weekly·May 3, 2021Workout at the gym is not only limited to lifting heavy dumbbells or riding a treadmill. Here is...Sports and Fashion·1 min read·1
How Technology Affects Global Warming and How People Use Technology to Overcome it Scholars-Weekly·May 3, 2021The development of technology has brought a considerable improvement to human life. The advancement of technology enabled easier...Technology·2 min read·0
Underrated problems: Sea Pollution and Technology Scholars-Weekly·May 3, 2021Recent news about nature and its odd behaviors are just making us more and more certain that the...Technology·1 min read·0