Science Day is changing its date!

Korea’s Science Day is set on April 21 as a legal anniversary every year to commemorate the launch of the Ministry of Science-Technology(currently called Ministry of Science and ICT) on April 21, 1967. However, Congressman Byeon points out that it did not correctly reflect the historical tradition and spirit of science. According to research about Science Day in other countries, China and Russia designated Science Day to lead the country to revival through science and established science conferences and science academies, respectively. On the other hand, Science Day in Korea has neither special situations nor historical days than other countries. Therefore, the Democratic Party of Korea proposed the date of Science Day last October as August 5, the day King Sejong decided to use the national standard clock. An official from the Ministry of Science and Technology said, “The nation’s various anniversaries and anniversaries are still designated under the Presidential Decree and cannot be changed recklessly.” So we’re still in the middle of a review. Personal opinion is that the day of science should change. I think February 10, the founding date of KAIST, which was established to catch up with advanced foreign science and technology, should also be celebrated and designated as a date with a definite meaning. Many people, especially teenagers, often perceive Science Day as a day to rest during the competitions. However, since Science Day should raise public awareness of science and technology, I hope that changing the date of Science Day could lead people to enjoy Science Day with interest in our country’s science. To this end, changing Science Day and setting the theme of Science Day every year to give novelty and interest can be one way.

By: Minjae Kim