The connection between the brain and music is a topic that has gained attention in recent years. A recent research has revealed that music has positive impact on brain function. According to scientific studies, listening to music can activate different areas of the brain responsible for processing sound, emotions, and movement. Furthermore, listening to music can trigger the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is linked to pleasure and motivation.
On the other hand, playing music has more noticeable effects on the brain. The process of learning to play an instrument requires coordination between various areas of the brain, such as auditory, visual, and motor regions. This, in turn, can cause structural changes in the brain. For example, it increases gray matter density in areas that are responsible for motor control and auditory processing.
Additionally, learning to play music can have cognitive benefits, such as improved memory, attention, and language skills. Studies have found that children who learn to play music perform better on cognitive function tests and have stronger connections between different brain regions.
In conclusion, the connection between the brain and music is multi-layered and complex. While playing music can lead to structural changes and cognitive benefits, listening to music can activate different brain regions. Understanding this relationship can enhance our appreciation of music and expansion of knowledge on brain operation mechanism.
By. Brenson Ha
