The Beauty of Nude Leaks.

It is not surprising that many have experienced situations where girls were humiliated by others after being pressured to expose their bodies. What is surprising is that many often blame girls who sent those nude pictures because they were “irresponsible” for making themselves vulnerable to horny and reckless people online. However, let it be made clear that people who send nude pictures are never the ones at fault. Those people should never be forced to forgive men and to understand that they can’t control their “sexual needs”. 

In fact, nude pictures don’t prove that the people in those pictures are perverted nor do they imply that those people are ignorant for making themselves susceptible to ridicule. Instead, THOSE PICTURES REPRESENT SOMETHING MORE BEAUTIFUL AND NATURAL: CONFIDENCE AND POWER. Anybody should be allowed to capture the moments when they feel beautiful, sexy, and empowered for they are rare, especially in a society that is dictated by unrealistic beauty standards. It is certainly unacceptable to allow others to undignify those for celebrating something natural. That is to say, it is only right to respect the sexual empowerment of others. 

       -Written By: Tae Yeon Han