Colleges dropping SAT and ACT requirements for next year’s applicants.

Universities are increasingly dropping SAT and ACT for 2021 admissions in response to COVID-19 pandemic. Also, ACT Inc and the College board are prompting colleges and universities to suspend the test requirements or make them optional. Due to COVID-19, the whole system is confusing the college administration. 

Cornell university has been the first Ivy League university to take the ACT/SAT exams as optional, and other universities in the US are dropping the requirements for 2021 fall admissions as well. Earlier in April, the College board and ACT announced that they will cancel all upcoming administrations of exams saying that their priorities are students and educators’ health and safety. Recently, the University of Richmond, University of California, Cornell University, and more, stated that students are allowed to submit their applications without including ACT or SAT results starting from August 2021. This  includes this year’s high school juniors who are applying to some universities in the US.

All students and educators across the nations are getting  confused and are struggling with the coronavirus in many different aspects. However, I believe all of us, including lots of universities and corporations, will be able to overcome this hurdle. 

-Written By: Minsuh (Lauren) Kang