Why Halloween Matters

Halloween is a rare day in which people actually get together to interact with each other. Unfortunately, nowadays, people have become more alienated from their community due to the development of technology. Rather than going out to enjoy the nice weather and get to know their neighbors, people choose to be immersed in the world of social media. This prevents them from forming intimate and friendly relationships with those around them. Halloween provides people with an opportunity to become one.

I learned this seven years ago when I first moved to Jeju Island. Because I had only lived in a megacity for the whole of my life, I had a hard time integrating into the small community. I felt like a stranger for the first few months of my dwelling — until Halloween season came. On Halloween night, a large group of kids my age knocked on our door yelling “Trick or Treat!”. I was astonished at the sight of such boisterous and joyful spirits as I opened the door with a bag of chocolates. Right outside my house were eerie ghosts covered in pillow cases, malicious witches holding hats full of candies, appalling zombies with dark green complexion, and of course, graceful Disney princesses. I was instantly captivated by the diversity of characters children were dressed up as. They offered me a spot in their “tribe”, and in a thrilling manner, I followed with my fairy wings on. That day, after visiting a myriad of different houses, I got to know my neighbors and made many new friends. This experience has taught me the importance of being involved in social activities and engaging with the people of my community. Therefore, the reason for Halloween being so significant is that the holiday has the power to unify people.

by. Yuna Cho