Transparent Information

After the first discovery of the coronavirus, people needed accurate information, such as where the positively confirmed people visited. But most of the information, especially from SNS, is not reliable. Because of the dissemination of false information that certain places were contaminated, many citizens and self-employed people suffered enormously. To address this issue, Lee Dong Hoon, a Kyung Hee University student and CEO of Modoc, developed an ingenious application called Corona Map. Using an intuitive UI, the application tracks the real-time flow of confirmed people throughout Korea on a map, based on data gathered by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC).

After developing the application in just one day, thanks to the ample, accurate information provided by KCDC, Mr. Lee launched Corona Map on January 30. Moreover, Mr. Lee was able to start and maintain the business because of the start-up support services offered by Kyung Hee University. Furthermore, he was able to forget the server maintenance costs when Naver and AWS reached out and offered their web-servers for free. Because of Mr. Lee’s innovative idea, his university’s assistance, and industry backing, the application was viewed by 2.4 million people on its first day. Today, various countries, including England, France, and Japan, have shown interest in importing the application.

By: Jaeho Ahn