Fiesta Rey En Jaume – Majorca, Spain

Due to COVID-19, our vacation plans and dreams of traveling to the other side of the world had to be given up. However, this year, vaccination has been going on and due to the high vaccination rate, there is a high possibility that we might be able to go on a trip. If this becomes true, then there is one more place that everyone should go to if they want to have a great party with dance music and parades, it is Fiesta Rey En Jaume.

Every first two weeks of September, Fiesta Rey En Jaume is there to enjoy and have fun. During the Fiesta Rey En Jaume, there are many cultural programs to enjoy, such as concerts, exhibitions, correfoc, a medieval market, thematic fiestas, parades, traditional dancing, sports, and more. Throughout the two weeks, there are lots of scheduled events but the highlights of the Fiesta Rey En Jaume are a parade of giants, DJ sessions on the weekends, Night of Fire, and a medieval market. During the night of the fire, people with native clothes dance with fireworks in their hands, and with a gigantic campfire, people celebrate the night. In the medieval market, interesting medieval foods of Majorca await, and hand-made traditional souvenirs are there to commemorate your trip. The parade of giants is a parade with big models of king Jaume I and the Christian warriors who fought against the Arabs in 1229.

Fiesta Rey En Jaume was first celebrated in 1929 when it was the 700th anniversary of the arrival of king Jaume and his vessels. King Jaume I is also known as King James I of Aragon, and he was a great conquistador of all time. In the past, Majorca was under the control of Arabs, but the King had come with his vessels and monarchs to take back the land and save the people of Majorca. This story had spread among people and since his arrival, people had celebrated for their freedom and the King, making it last until now.

Majorca is a beautiful island in the medieval ocean with an emerald blue ocean and tropical weather. Majorca itself is a great place to go on a trip to, but in September it gets even more special with an amazing festival of Fiesta Rey En Jaume. After the COVID-19 pandemic ends, it might be a great idea to visit Majorca and enjoy the tropical island with a great festival, Fiesta Rey En Jaume.

By: Jaehyun Lee