Is the Tokyo Olympics Safe? Scholars-Weekly·May 31, 2021The Tokyo Olympics was initially planned last year. However, due to the global pandemic, it was delayed to...Sports and Fashion·1 min read·0
Miss Universe Speaks for Asia Hatred, Coup and Gender Discrimination Scholars-Weekly·May 31, 2021“Stop Asian Hate.” Many Miss Universe participants gave strong slogans with their items to millions. Contestants in a...Sports and Fashion·1 min read·0
Death of Chairman’s Influence on Stock Scholars-Weekly·May 31, 2021Have you heard about the Galaxy smartphone? Most people would say yes because it is one of the...Economy·1 min read·0
Virtual Currency like a Wave on a Sailboat Scholars-Weekly·May 31, 2021Currently, the craze for virtual currency is blowing around the world. The craze for virtual currency investment in...Economy·1 min read·0
Celltrion’s Interesting Stock Price Fluctuation Scholars-Weekly·May 31, 2021As the Covid-19 pandemic became severe, antibodies of the virus and the vaccine were spotlighted. For protection, vaccines...Economy·1 min read·0
The Public’s Sense of Betrayal Towards the Government Scholars-Weekly·May 31, 2021On March 2, allegations that internal employees of the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) and their relatives...Economy·1 min read·0
Changes and Prospects of House Prices in Seoul Scholars-Weekly·May 31, 2021The physical meaning of a house is “a place where walls and roofs protect us from the outside...Economy·1 min read·0
Impact of Online Education Scholars-Weekly·May 3, 2021Have you ever wondered how online education affects students? As COVID-19 is widespread around the world, a lockdown...Life·1 min read·0
Education After Pandemic Scholars-Weekly·May 3, 2021The pandemic has hit hard on numerous areas of our society, however, we are just barely toward the...Life·2 min read·0
Secret Study Techniques of Your Valedictorian Classmate? Scholars-Weekly·May 3, 2021For many high school students, the Advanced Placement (AP) Exams and the final exams are coming up soon....Life·2 min read·0