
How does a typical internet network work? Nowadays, the internet is accessible almost anywhere on Earth. However, when  you go to the countryside or deep in the woods, it is impossible to get an internet connection even with your data on. But don’t worry, starlink can help you.

Starlink is a new mechanism for connecting to the internet. In January 2015, Elon Musk announced the SpaceXsatellite with Starlink. If his plan is successful, it would be possible to connect everybody in the world to the internet regardless of location. How does it work? SpaceX launches a satellite that contains a number of the internet network panels. When it reaches a certain level of orbit, it spreads the panels out. Then the panels will spread out and allow access to the internet to those who are below the panels. When they make a call, the signal carrying word travels over  35,000 kilometers to a satellite in geostationary orbit and then another 35,000 kilometers back to Earth to reach the person on the other end of the call. As many panels are orbiting the Earth, people can make calls and access the internet whenever they want and whatever their altitude. 

But why Starlink? In usual cases, when we use a satellite to make a call or access to the internet, it is very expensive and slow. However, Starlink is faster in organizing data, carrying more data, and has lower latency broadband service than other satellites. Since the panels used for the Starlink rotates the Earth in a lower orbit than typical satellites, the signals travel shorter distances which means it takes less time to carry data. SpaceX is still working on improving speed and stability. 

Why are some scientists against this program? NASA, scientists in general, and space researchers argued that the Starlink project will impact the visibility of the night sky due to the brightness of satellites in low orbits. Also, they added that the satellites would cause more collisions between satellites.

By. Yoon Oh Noh