Power of Positivity

Positivity can be one of the most essential tools for us : teenagers. Growing up comes with many challenges which can be school, friendships, and figuring out who we are. Oftentimes, people forget how important their attitudes can shape their days. To live a successful and happy life, we should know that living with a positive mindset can make all the difference. 

It is easy to get lost in negative thoughts. According to Yonhap News Agency’s article writer Oh Seok-Min, “the number of suicides per every 100,000 South Koreans came to 25.2 in 2022.” Korea has depressing statistics of suicide rate indicating how our society needs positive mindset to improve life quality. 

When you focus on the bright side of things, you feel lighter. For instance, worrying about past experiences that were not the best like bad grades or awkward situations can make life harder. Instead, if you tell yourself that you did your best, or that tomorrow is another chance, life feels more manageable. Instead of staying stuck in regret, a positive outlook helps you move forward. 

One of the biggest benefits of staying positive is how it affects your mood. Everyone has tough days, but thinking optimistically can make those days easier to get through. To give you the idea of thinking differently in the same situations that you might get irritated with is when it is raining. Normally, people get upset about a rainy day ruining their plans, but try to remind yourself that you can focus on the chance to relax indoors. Being positive doesn’t mean ignoring problems but it means finding ways to see the good parts even when things don’t go as planned. 

Positivity also strengthens relationships. People enjoy being around those who spread good vibes. If a friend is having a hard time, offering them support with a positive attitude can change their day. Small acts, like a smile or a kind word, can create ripple effects. 

For teenagers, thinking positively is especially helpful when dealing with stress. Schoolwork, expectations, and social pressures can feel overwhelming. That being said, taking things one step at a time and acknowledging that challenges are part of growing can reduce that stress. Positivity doesn’t make challenges disappear, but it lessens the burden while increasing your manageability of hardships. 

Living with positivity isn’t always easy, but with practice, it can become a habit. This habit can make life not only more enjoyable but also more meaningful.

By. Nicole Chung