Fed’s Interest Rate Big Step and the Consequence

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The Consequences of Fed’s Interest Rate Hike in Response to COVID-19: A Comparative
Analysis of U.S. and South Korean Recessions

The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly impacted the global economy, causing
many countries to slip into recession. The United States and South Korea were no exception, experiencing significant economic downturns. In response, the Federal Reserve (Fed) took a big step in raising interest rates to address the financial challenges posed by the pandemic. However, this move affected the U.S. and South Korean economies, leading to further recessions.

Concerns over rising inflation prompted the Fed’s decision to raise interest rates. As
the pandemic forced the closure of many businesses and caused a drop in consumer spending, the Fed lowered interest rates to near zero to encourage borrowing and spending. However, as the economy began to recover, there were fears that the low-interest rates could lead to inflation, which could be harmful to the economy in the long term. In response, the Fed announced a series of rate hikes starting in 2022.

The rate hikes had significant consequences for the U.S. economy. As interest rates
increased, borrowing became more expensive, leading to a decrease in consumer spending. This, in turn, led to a decline in business investment and a slowdown in economic growth. The housing market was also affected, with mortgage rates increasing and making it more difficult for Americans to buy homes.

Meanwhile, South Korea was also struggling with the economic impact of the
pandemic. The country’s economy had already slowed down before the pandemic hit, and the crisis only worsened things. In response, the South Korean government implemented a series of stimulus measures, including lower interest rates, to try to jumpstart the economy. However, as the Fed raised interest rates, the South Korean won weakened against the U.S. dollar. This made it more difficult for South Korean companies to borrow money and led to a decrease in exports, which are a significant driver of the country’s economy. The rate hikes also impacted consumer confidence, leading to a reduction in spending.

As a result, both the U.S. and South Korean economies slipped into recession. In the
U.S., the recession lasted from 2022 to 2023, with GDP contracting by 3%. In South Korea, the recession was even more profound, with GDP shrinking by 5%.

Despite the negative impact of the rate hikes, the Fed believed they were necessary to
address the threat of inflation. The rate hikes helped to bring inflation under control, which was essential for the long-term health of the U.S. economy. The Fed also believed that the rate hikes would help to reduce financial instability and promote sustainable economic growth.

In conclusion, the Fed’s decision to raise interest rates in response to the COVID-19
pandemic had significant consequences for the U.S. and South Korean economies. The rate hikes led to decreased consumer spending, business investment, and a slowdown in economic growth in the U.S. In South Korea, the rate hikes contributed to a weakening of the currency and a decrease in exports. While the rate hikes were necessary to address the threat of inflation, they also highlight the complex and interconnected nature of the global economy. As countries grapple with the pandemic’s ongoing impact, we will continue to see both positive and negative economic consequences.

By. Junhong Park