Death of Chairman’s Influence on Stock

Have you heard about the Galaxy smartphone? Most people would say yes because it is one of the most widely used devices made by Samsung. Samsung has one of the largest smartphone manufacturers and semiconductor businesses. Samsung takes up nearly half of all exports of South Korea, thus exerting much power on the Korean economy and the world. This is why people pay particular attention to Samsung stock prices. And recently, the death of its legendary CEO, Gunhee Lee, has made frontline news coverage. So in the article, we will explore his influence and contribution in detail. 

On October 25th, 2020, he was deceased. So we will explore the stock price before October. The average stock price of August was 56950 won. And in September, it was 57700 won. Immediately after his death, however, the stock price soared. In November, the average stock price was 62750. The stock price was 57300 won on October 29th, 2020, which is one of the lowest points in the year. Since then, the stock price has grown steadily. From this change, we can see that Lee’s death has had minimal effect on Samsung’s stock price. We cannot completely rule out the possibility of Lee’s death influencing the stock price, but other factors might be in play to encourage the price change.

By: Chaehyun Yun